[ Contents ]
Built With Amiga home-page
HTML Authoring Software
Amiga Web Browsers
Amiga Java
TCP/IP Stacks
Other categories of software
ISPs supporting the Amiga
Sites that are Built With Amiga Software
Linking to this site
Suggestions and additions
Sign the Guestbook
Read the Guestbook
Search The Net for Amiga-related Items
What's new?
Acknowledgements & Thank Yous
How This Site Was Made
Amazing Amiga (My home pages)

Linking To The "Built With Amiga Software" Campaign.

Just like any campaign, this one needs to generate as much publicity as possible if it is to succeed in promoting the name of the Amiga far and wide.
There are a number of ways in which you can help to promote this campaign (and hence the Amiga itself), including
  • Adding a text-only or a graphical link from your Web pages to this site;
  • Mentioning the campaign (and its url http://www.BuiltWithAmiga/) in your sig in EMails and Usenet posts;
  • Letting your favourite computing and internet magazines know of the existance of this campaign.

If you do decide to publicise this campaign, then thank you very much indeed for contributing to the promotion of your favourite platform, the Amiga!

Text-only Link
To add a textual link to the campaign, you might like to add a piece of HTML code such as the following -

these pages were
<A HREF="http://www.BuiltWithAmiga.org/" TARGET="_top">
    <em>Built With Amiga Software</em>

This would create some text which told everyone that these pages were Built With Amiga Software .

Graphical Link
There are four categories of logos here at the moment - You probably already know how to add links, but if not, then download a copy of your chosen logo, and add the following HTML code (or something similar) to your page (remember to replace BWA.gif, x and y with the name (and path if applicable), width and height of the logo you are using) -

    <A HREF="http://www.BuiltWithAmiga.org/" TARGET="_top">
        <IMG SRC="BWA.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=x HEIGHT=y
         ALT="[Built With Amiga Software]">
Please do NOT link to these images on this server! The main reason for this is simply that from time to time, as the site expands, I may change the names and/or locations of some or all of the logos, and then they would no longer appear on your page.
Instead, please download a copy of your chosen graphic, store it on your server, and link to there. Thank you.

(If you create a suitable logo then please feel free to send it to me, stating you grant permission for it to be freely copied and used for the campaign, and I'll try to include it here. Many thanks to those who have created some of these logos below.)

Finally, please only use these logos for linking directly to the BuiltWithAmiga web site. Thanks.

Logo Size Available as Author
 88 x 31
256 colour
1,910 byte GIF
2,029 byte PNG
 88 x 31
64 colour
1,033 byte GIF
1,127 byte PNG
 88 x 31
16 colour
805 byte GIF
738 byte PNG
 88 x 31
16 colour
786 byte GIF
734 byte PNG
 100 x 40
16 colour
1,154 byte GIF
1,017 byte PNG
 100 x 40
16 colour
993 byte GIF
895 byte PNG
 88 x 84
32 colour
2,358 byte GIF
2,308 byte PNG
Mark Bollons.
32 colour
5,383 byte GIF
5,081 byte PNG
32 colour
4,425 byte GIF
4,515 byte PNG
32 colour
3,080 byte GIF
3,527 byte PNG

(The BWA Title Page logo)
400 x 60
256 colour
13,165 byte GIF
12,622 byte PNG
Stu Tomlinson.

(Used to advertise the BWA campaign on the Amiga Web Network)
400 x 40
256 colour
9,889 byte GIF
8,627 byte PNG
 367 x 63
256 colour
5,595 byte GIF
5,703 byte PNG
Liam Welford.
 373 x 70
256 colour
5,821 byte GIF
5,886 byte PNG

(This banner is designed for you to place your own custom text on the right)
400 x 40
16 colour
1,320 byte GIF
1,155 byte PNG
Brecht Machiels.
 100 x 40
16 colour
2 frames
2,112 byte GIF anim
 106 x 40
16 colour
24 frames
18,676 byte GIF anim
 112 x 56
8 colour
30 frames
18,913 byte GIF anim Andrew Kellett.
32 colour
80 frames
95,125 byte GIF anim Philip Bulley.
Also available for A1200, A1200T and A4000T, each similar size.
 35 x 383
256 colour
5,087 byte GIF
5,145 byte PNG

[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1997, 1998 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail WebMaster@BuiltWithAmiga.org. This page was last updated on June 14, 1998 .
[Built With Amiga Software]